Friday 28 March 2014

Tyler (fucked) The Creator.

Tyler the creator posters. Which are actually now for sale so if interested please contact me. 

Manipulation and Distortion.

A mixture of old and new work. 

Wednesday 26 March 2014

I do miss London.

I do miss London for its unique array of graiffi and art work dotted around the entire city. No matter where you go you can always find some variety of art work somewhere. I found these in Brick Lane, one of my favourite locations to visit. No matter how many times you visit here, you'll always manage to see something new. I guess thats why there's a certain sense of magic. 

To Infinity and Beyond.

A poster design I came up with, based on the idea of space, and that essentially the sky isn't quite the limit.

Monday 24 March 2014

Water Colour Imagination.

Watercolour imagination. Something I've been working on recently. This co-ensides with the previous post with the little girls head and the space behind it - (Please click on the images to view them larger.)